
Schedule an Appointment with Career Services

Thank you for your interest in scheduling an appointment with the Office of Career Services! As of Fall 2019, our office utilizes Handshake — our “one-stop career shop” that allows you to schedule appointments with our office to take care of your career preparation and job-search needs. Our team takes pride in assisting students and alumni to achieve their career goals. We look forward to working with you every step of the way throughout your career exploration! Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have at 985-549-2121 or [email protected].

For current students and alumni that graduated during/after Fall 2019: A Handshake account has already been created for you — access your account using your @southeastern.edu email address and associated password. 

For alumni that graduated before Fall 2019: Click on the alumni login button below where you will be prompted to log in to Handshake with a unique set of Handshake credentials. 

Follow these  on how to schedule your appointment. Our office offers in-person or virtual appointments. 

Student Login (current students and alumni during/after Fall 2019)

Alumni Login (graduates before Fall 2019)

Appointment Types

We can meet with you to discuss a variety of topics! You’ll be able to select your specific appointment type when you schedule in Handshake. Here are some of the appointment types we offer to all undergraduate and graduate students and alumni:

  • Career Exploration 
  • TypeFocus Review 
  • Resume and/or Cover Letter Review 
  • Interview Preparation or a Mock (Practice) Interview
  • Internship and Part-Time Job Search Strategies
  • Full-time Job Search Strategies
  • Applying to Graduate or Professional School
  • Personal Statement Review
  • Handshake Assistance